AJK President urges UNSC to take notice of Indian atrocities in Occupied Kashmir

AJK President urges UNSC to take notice of Indian atrocities in Occupied Kashmir

President Azad Jammu Kashmir Sardar Masood Khan has urged UN Security Council to take notice of Indian atrocities being carried out in Occupied Kashmir.

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad on Tuesday, he said Kashmiris in the held valley are oppressed people and it is our duty to support them.

Sardar Masood Khan said India has illegally tried to change the disputed status of Occupied Kashmir.

He said India has blocked all kind of communication sources and cordoned off the valley by deploying additional 38,000 troops there.

He said India's move to abrogate Article 370 will certainly invite a severe backlash from Kashmiris. He said India will face the results of this illegal move.