Af-Pak Border:  Border Management measures enhanced 

Af-Pak Border:  Border Management measures enhanced 

The Advisor to PM on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said in National Assembly that Pakistan shared 2600 kilometers long porous border with Afghanistan. Owing to cultural proximity, the cross-border movement was quite frequent as around 40,000 to 50,000 people crossed the border daily, however, most of the movements were regulated, he added.

READ MORE:  Pak-Afghan border in Chaman remains closed

He said to streamline cross-border movement, Pakistan was implementing border management measures, including setting up gates and installation of wires at the border crossing points.

READ MORE:  Pak-Afghan border situation discussion to be held in senate

Implementation (of the border managment measures) started on June 1 with setting up of border controls at Torkham where despite opposition from the Afghan side Pakistan had installed a 37-meter gate, he added.