Shocking: Deceased Pakistani Minister to visit Serena Hotel Peshawar for office tour

Shocking: Deceased Pakistani Minister to visit Serena Hotel Peshawar for office tour

In a rather unusual turn of events, the Ministry of Religious Affairs has unveiled a program schedule for a deceased minister. This rather unconventional move has raised eyebrows and piqued curiosity among observers.

The federal ministry took the surprising step of sharing a program schedule dedicated to the Late Minister of Religious Affairs, Mufti Abdul Shakoor, who tragically passed away earlier this year in April. It's not common to see such posthumous program schedules, and this choice has stirred conversations within the public.

The program itself outlines various engagements for the late minister, even though he has departed from this world. According to the schedule, the late minister is expected to participate in an inter-faith harmony conference to be held at Peshawar's Serena Hotel. Following this, he is slated to attend a meeting with religious leaders, scheduled for Saturday. These events, organized for a minister who is no longer with us, raise questions about the Ministry's handling of the situation.

In essence, this program schedule inadvertently underscores the Ministry's inability to move on from the loss of their former head, who met a tragic end in a car accident on April 15, 2023. It's a peculiar situation that has left many wondering about the motivations and reasons behind such an unusual approach by the Ministry of Religious Affairs.