Pakistani mother of four children lands in Indian jail in search of her Indian lover

Pakistani mother of four children lands in Indian jail in search of her Indian lover

A 29-year-old woman from Kot Diji, a village in Sindh province of Pakistan, reached India along with her four children to meet her love with whom she had established contact while playing PUBG online.

As there are difficulties for Pakistanis to get Indian visa, the woman identified as Seema chose the route of Nepal to enter India, and she had first reached Dubai from Karachi along with her four children before entering India through Nepal.

As there is visa-free entry between India and Nepal, Seema easily entered India where she found her PUBG love named Sachin in Greater Noida and stayed with her.

On information, Indian police arrested Seema for staying illegally in India and launched investigations. She and four children were locked up in jail, according to Indian media.

It has been learnt that Seema’s husband Ghulam Haider belongs to Jacobabad, and he works in Saudi Arabia. There had taken place a marriage of love between the two in 2014.

Seema also sold her husband’s house before going to India. Her husband has demanded that the government take notice of the incident and ensure the safe return of his children to Pakistan.