Pakistan's economy in better shape after five years of governance: Ahsan Iqbal

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ISLAMABAD:Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Ahsan Iqbal here on Thursday said Pakistan was in a better condition after five years of governance of the present government that ended energy shortages, curbed terrorism and kept the economy moving on a faster pace.

Speaking to an audience comprising students of schools of Islamabad at an event titled “Rising Pakistan”, he said people of Pakistan would make further progress by utilising their capabilities and energies.

“Right thinking and positive attitude is important for success in life. A nation which lacked positive thinking cannot succeed.”

He said, “We need to follow thoughts of Allama Muhammad Iqbal who gave confidence to the nation which laid the foundation for Pakistan movement. We should highlight positive aspects of our national life.” The minister said Pakistan in its 70 year history went through many crises and a certain group of people for decades propagated the view that except them everybody was corrupt and incapable.

“Pakistanis are like any other nation, they are as good or bad as people of other countries and can achieve progress through hard work and focused effort,” Ahsan emphasised.

He said Pakistan was rising and as compared to five years back, it was in a better position.
The minister said five years back, Pakistan was afflicted with 20 hour long daily energy shortages but now the government through its concerted efforts had resolved the issue to a large extent.

The country was plagued by the menace of terrorism when the government came in 2013, but now the situation significantly improved and terrorism had been curbed. Five years back, the country’s economy was in deep trouble but with projects like China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), billions of dollars of investment had been made.

Pakistan’s economy was moving forward and new avenues of progress had opened up, he elaborated.
He urged the students to put their faith in values of hard work and pursue knowledge and innovation which was the basis of economic and social development.

He said Quranic teachings urge the Muslims to unveil mysteries of the universe and discover new knowledge through observation and thinking.
The minister said Pakistanis should work more diligently as they were left behind other nations and only with extra effort can move ahead of others. “We should not lose hope and set goals to work on our strengths to set a strong foundation.”

The minister keenly viewed the posters and essays of students put on display and appreciated the youngsters for unfolding their vision about Pakistan through their artistic work. APP/AFP

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