PEMRA issues new warning to all TV channels

PEMRA issues new warning to all TV channels

Islamabad: The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) Monday issued a fresh warning to TV channels to refrain from telecasting any content against the state institutions.

The regulatory body directed any content either recorded or produced under the channels' banner or aired during a live speech or a press talk against institutions should not be aired.

PEMRA, in its statement, said that despite repeated directives, TV channels continue to violate them.

"There remains no ambiguity in our minds with regards to the laxity of the licensees in ensuring compliance with the Code of Conduct and of PEMRA as a regulatory authority in penalising licensees on account of any violations of the Code of Conduct," read the statement.

"If voluntary violations of the Code of Conduct or even negligence by the licensees to ensure adherence thereto is not penalised by PEMRA, the Code of Conduct will be reduced to a mere paper tiger and be rendered absolutely redundant. We, therefore, issue a writ of mandamus to PEMRA to ensure that the following parameters laid down in the law and the Code of Conduct are adhered to in letter and spirit and that no violations thereof shall be tolerated by PEMRA."