Nawaz Sharif's return to Pakistan to be postponed yet again?

Nawaz Sharif's return to Pakistan to be postponed yet again?

The faction within the Pakistan Muslim League (N) party that supports reconciliation is actively involved in delaying Nawaz Sharif's anticipated return home.

On the other hand, another group within the party believes that postponing Nawaz Sharif's return could create a negative impression in the public eye. The PML-N party has finally announced October 21 as the date for Nawaz Sharif's return to Pakistan, with his ticket already booked.

However, the faction within the party that favors a reconciliation policy with the establishment is now working to delay his return. Party insiders have revealed that this group has recommended postponing Nawaz Sharif's return, but Nawaz Sharif has not immediately responded to this suggestion.

According to sources within the party, this faction believes that people who are concerned about issues like inflation and unemployment may not be highly interested in Nawaz Sharif's return, and they doubt the likelihood of a warm reception for him from the public.

Additionally, this group thinks it would be more appropriate for Nawaz Sharif to return to the country closer to the general election date or after the official election date is announced.

Despite this, reports indicate that Nawaz Sharif has made up his mind to return and has instructed the party to prepare for his reception.

It's worth noting that preparations for Nawaz Sharif's return are underway, and a ticket for his journey from London to Pakistan has already been secured. According to the schedule, he will arrive at Abu Dhabi International Airport from London on October 21 and then depart for Pakistan.