Kashmir Solidarity Day being observed today

Kashmir Solidarity Day being observed today

Kashmir Solidarity Day is being observed today (Monday) to express solidarity and whole-hearted support of the Pakistani nation to the just struggle of Kashmiri people for their inalienable right of self-determination under UN resolutions.

President Mamnoon Hussain will address the main ceremony of the Kashmir Solidarity Day in Islamabad today.

Besides the leadership of Hurriyat Conference, prominent political and social figures as well as the intellectuals would address the ceremony that would be covered live by national media.

Different documentaries encompassing the decades-old Kashmir struggle would also be shown.

In their separate messages on Kashmir Solidarity Day, President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi have said that the dream of peace and prosperity in the region will remain elusive without resolving the Kashmir dispute.

They called upon the international community to urge India to respect the Human Rights Charter, put an immediate end to gross human rights violations in the occupied Kashmir.

In his message, President Mamnoon Hussain said Pakistan reiterates its unwavering political, moral and diplomatic support to the people of Occupied Kashmir in their struggle for self-determination right in accordance with UN resolutions.

The Prime Minister said the resolution of Kashmir dispute is essential for regional peace and development.