CEC Sikander Sultan Raja lands in hot waters

CEC Sikander Sultan Raja lands in hot waters

The revelation of a meeting between the Chief Election Commissioner and the American Ambassador against the recommendations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sparked controversy. According to a report by 92 News, Chief Election Commissioner Sikandar Sultan Raja went against the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' advice and held a meeting with the US Ambassador on August 24th.

Despite the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advising against the meeting, it took place.

The Election Commission chose to keep the meeting confidential and refrained from issuing any statements, but the US Embassy released a statement, making the meeting public. This has caused significant concern among government officials.

According to diplomatic sources, the series of meetings between the Chief Election Commissioner and foreign diplomats is a matter of great concern, highlighting the need for the Election Commission to exercise extreme caution in its interactions with foreign diplomats, while adhering to foreign policy and diplomatic sensitivities.

This incident raises questions about the independence and decision-making process of the Election Commission, as well as the importance of maintaining diplomatic protocols and sensitivity to foreign affairs in such interactions