Increased cooperation b/w Pakistan, United States imperative for regional development: Analysts

Increased cooperation b/w Pakistan, United States imperative for regional development: Analysts

We have witnessed many ups and downs in Pak-US relationship in the history. It is a positive development that United States has realized the significance of Pakistan to resolve Afghan dispute. We have compromised a lot in the war against terrorism and now it should be communicated properly to Trump administration that Pakistan can be a partner in peace but not in war.

Pakistan has always endorsed every initiative taken for regional peace. Islamabad has always emphasized on the need of Afghan-led, Afghan-owned peace process to resolve Afghan dispute. Afghanistan is a conflict zone and sudden withdrawal of troops will bring negative effects on the region. Washington is an important capital for Pakistan and we believe in good relation with United States. Pakistan should facilitate United States in resolving Afghan issue but this should not be done at the cost of country’s national interest and sovereignty.

The incumbent government of Pakistan has adopted a regional centric approach and enjoys positive engagements with Russia, China and Iran. India should stop using Afghan soil against Pakistan.

Trump is habitual of giving unpredictable remarks about Pakistan.However Trump’s recent statement that he wants to meet new leadership of Pakistan is quite positive development. It is an opportunity for both the countries to restore their bilateral ties. Prime Minister Imran Khan has prioritized the national interest and the era of do more is over now. Pakistan cannot afford to compromise on its national interests.

Islamabad wants good ties with Washington but these relations should be based on mutual respect and trust. Pakistan should discuss Kashmir issue with Trump administration. United States should stop criticizing CPEC and backing India in anti Pakistan’s nefarious agendas.

The Trump administration adopted an aggressive tone towards Pakistan in the beginning of 2017, but now we have seen a positive shift in Trump’s attitude. It is a good omen for Pakistan that US administration is serious to resolve Afghan dispute and realizes Pakistan’s significance in peace process.

Trump is an unpredictable leader but US administration wants Pakistan to facilitate in resolving Afghan dispute. It is a great opportunity for Islamabad to maintain bilateral ties with United States without compromising its sovereignty. It is high time for the government of Pakistan to make policies to portray a positive image of the country.

The United States has finally realized the significance of Pakistan in the region and acknowledged the sacrifices rendered by Pakistan in the war against terrorism. The US administration deliberately pulled Pakistan in Afghan war and we had to pay a huge price for this alliance.

It is appreciable that Prime minister Imran Khan gave a befitted response to Trump’s baseless allegations. It is diplomatic victory of Pakistan that US administration has acknowledged Pakistan’s stance that negotiation between stakeholders is the ultimate and viable solution to Afghan crises.

Trump’s recent desire to meet Pakistan’s new leadership is a very welcoming development for Pakistan. Unfortunately the previous governments displayed docile posture towards USA and failed to portray Pakistan’s stance in an effective way. We have rendered matchless sacrifices in the war initiated by the United States of America but could not compensate our losses.

Pakistan is located on an important strategic location and has played a significant role for regional peace. We welcome the goodwill gesture of president Trump and we are always ready to facilitate the US administration in resolving Afghan dispute. The US administration has finally realized that pleasing India attitude will escalate the situation.