Process for appointment of caretaker Prime Minister kicked off

Process for appointment of caretaker Prime Minister kicked off

President Arif Alvi has written a letter to Prime Minister Imran Khan and the leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif asking them to provide a name of an caretaker prime minister.

It has been written that in case of indifference on the interim PM name between the prime minister and the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly within three days then the Speaker of the National Assembly will form an eight-member committee.

The PM and NA opposition leader will provide names for the members of the constituted committee.

The process of the appointment of the interim prime minister has begun.

The President of Pakistan has written a letter as per Article 224 A (1) of the Constitution.

It is pertinent to note that According to a statement issued by President House on Monday morning, Imran Khan will continue as Prime Minister till the appointment of a caretaker Prime Minister.