Country's economy taken out of crisis situation: Asad Umar

Country's economy taken out of crisis situation: Asad Umar

Finance Minister Asad Umar has expressed the government's determination to reduce the debt to GDP ratio gradually and put it in a better position at the end of the government's tenure in 2023.

Speaking at a Question and Answer Session with leading digital and social media forums in Islamabad, he said presently the debt to GDP ratio has hiked beyond the Fiscal Responsibility and Debt Limitation.

He said after containing the debt to GDP ratio at its existing level, the government would take measures to bring it downwards.

The Finance Minister was of the view that the country's economy has been taken out of the crisis situation. He said the government has to take hard decisions to put the economy on right track.

He said the government has inherited huge current account deficit with depleting foreign exchange reserves. However, the situation has now improved and would further move towards betterment.