US - Afghan Taliban sixth round of talks at Qatar enters second day

US - Afghan Taliban sixth round of talks at Qatar enters second day

KABUL - The sixth round of talks between the US and the Taliban delegates entered second day in Doha, Qatar, on Thursday where the two sides reportedly discussed some key issues including a timeframe for the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan, assurance that Afghanistan’s territory will not be used as a threat against other nations following a peace agreement, a potential ceasefire, and intra-Afghan talks.

Meanwhile, in Kabul, the Grand Consultative Jirga on Peace is underway for the 4th day where Afghans from various regions of the country are exchanging views on the prospects of peace in the country.

The Afghan government has expected the US to convince the Taliban to endorse direct talks with it.

On Wednesday, the US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad met with the Taliban’s deputy leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar in Doha, Qatar, according to a statement released by the group’s spokesman.

The two sides exchanged views on a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Afghanistan, the statement said.