10 Billion Tree Tsunami: PTI government takes a unique initiative

10 Billion Tree Tsunami: PTI government takes a unique initiative

ISLAMABAD – The Ministry of Climate Change and National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to use drone technology for its ‘10 Billion Tree Tsunami’ project to fight climate change.

According to details, as part of the country’s strategy to use drone technology to plant millions of trees and strengthen the ‘Clean Green Pakistan Movement’, the Ministry of Climate Change signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Rural Support Programme (NRSP).

Irfan Tariq, director-general in charge of environment in the Climate ministry, and Rashid Bajwa, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of NRSP have inked the accord.

Advisor to Prime Minister Imran Khan on climate change Amin Aslam, who witnessed the signing, said that modern technology, like drone, will also be used for the plantation of 10 billion tree across the country.

"In addition to this, a Rs100 million ‘Challenge Fund for Climate Smart Projects’ will be launched, starting from March, to encourage youth engagement in climate-smart activities," Amin Aslam added.