UN condemns violence targeting individuals based on religion, belief

UN condemns violence targeting individuals based on religion, belief

The UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution strongly condemning continuing violence and acts of terrorism targeting individuals belonging to religious minorities, based on or in the name of religion or belief.

The resolution, presented by Turkey with Pakistan's support in wake of Christchurch terror attacks was adopted without a vote.

Pakistan's permanent representative Maleeha Lodhi speaking on the occasion said that increasing anti Islam sentiments are threatening world peace.

She said Pakistan always supported all efforts to bring the nations and religions closer.

She said Islamophobia and racism go hand in hand.

Ambassador Lodhi, noting that nine victims of the Christchurch attack hailed from Pakistan, said that profiling and stigmatizing people from one country leads to drastic consequences.

Earlier, introducing the resolution, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavusoglu said the international community must stand up against the spiral of hate.