Former RAW Director makes startling revelations of overthrowing government in neighbouring country

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2019-09-02T20:00:59+05:00 News Desk

NEW DELHI - Former RAW Director makes startling revelations of overthrowing government in neighbouring country.

In 1990, India's Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) had launched a covert operation to bring down absolute monarchy system in neighbouring Nepal, paving the way for constitutional democracy.

The startling revelation has been made by the former R&AW special Director, Amar Bhushan in his book 'Inside Nepal' that provides a peek into spies determination to ensure that Nepal was not destabilised by inimical forces.

The R&AW espionage was not just limited to ensure unity among various political parties with different ideologies but also raising assets in Nepal to carry out operations under utmost secrecy.

Bhushan used a shadowy name Jeevnathan for the Chief of Eastern Bureau of R&AW, as it was known in 1989-90 to strengthen the fledgling unit, recruit and run spies to throw out monarchy system run by King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev.

Then Rajiv Gandhi's government decided to support the people's movement in Nepal. Several rounds of diplomatic maneuvers to pressurise Nepalese king did not work. Ultimately government resorted to put blockade of food supplies to force the King to institutionalise the democracy. *PRESSURE TACTICS*

- Then Rajiv Gandhi’s government decided to support the people’s movement in Nepal - Several rounds of diplomatic manoeuvres to pressurise Nepalese king did not work - Ultimately government resorted to put blockade of food supplies to force the King to institutionalise the democracy

In the meantime, King in a bid to offset India's influence sought the help from China. This was double whammy for India as it never wished Chinese footprints in the neighborhood.

Finally, the task to ensure democracy was entrusted to R&AW Chief AK Verma, who went on to appoint his best spy- Jeevnathan to carry out Nepal's operation.

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