AJK President raises Indian atrocities in Occupied Kashmir with UK House of Lords Lord

AJK President raises Indian atrocities in Occupied Kashmir with UK House of Lords Lord

LONDON - AJK President Sardar Masood Khan says UK, as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council should work for the maintenance of peace and security in South Asia and help put an end to the systematic violations of human rights in the Indian Occupied Kashmir.

He made these remarks in a meeting with Leader of the Liberal Democratic Party in the House of Lords Lord Richard Newby in London.

Drawing Lord Newby’s attention to the Office of the High Commissioner's report on the human rights situation in IOK, the President said that the UK should support the repeal of the two draconian laws and establishment of a Commission of Inquiry by Human Rights Council to investigate rights abuses, as recommended in the report.

Earlier, Masood Khan visited Central Mosque London and the Islamic Cultural Centre.

During the visit, Sardar Masood Khan addressed members of the Islamic Cultural Centre on the situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

He demanded that India must abide by the 2003 Ceasefire Agreement between Pakistan and India and stop targeting civilians through its hostile fire.

President AJK said that the plight of the Kashmiris should be the concern of the entire humanity and all those who believe in peace and harmony.