Pakistan Navy makes big strategic alliances in regional and international waters

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2019-12-02T01:25:51+05:00 News Desk

JEDDAH — The naval forces of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan maintain excellent cordial relations and both have been engaged in several joint training exercises, Captain Muhammad Akram, Commanding Officer of Pakistan Naval Ship PNS Alamgir, said here on Saturday.

He was speaking at a reception dinner in honor of the Saudi naval officers, consuls general, diplomats and Pakistan community representatives aboard the ship which docked at Jeddah Islamic Port. Consul General of Pakistan, Khalid Majid, and officers of the consulate were also present at the occasion. Commander Ahmed Muhammad Al-Asiri represented the Saudi Royal Forces.

At the onset of the reception, national anthems of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan were played.

Welcomed the guests on board, Captain Akram thanked the Saudi government for extending excellent hospitality and Umrah opportunity to the officials and the crew. He said that every Pakistani has a special place in his heart for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

He said Saudi Arabia has a very significant role and position in the region. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have long, time tested and mutually supportive relations. The roots of these relations are found in people-to-people relationships, he added.

Captain Akram made a special mention of atrocities in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) and grave human rights violations by the Indian army. He said Pakistan will continue to extend diplomatic, moral and political support to the Kashmir cause and hoped that the world will stand in solidarity with the oppressed people of Kashmir. A short documentary on Indian atrocities in Kashmir was also shown at the occasion.

Consul General Majid said Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have brotherly relations which have strengthened over the time. “Pak-Saudi bilateral ties have expanded in all fields including defense, trade, investment and other sectors of economy,” he said.

Later, the Saudi and Pakistani Naval officers, along with the consul general, commemorated the day by cutting a Pak-Saudi friendship cake.

Arshad Munir, Consul (Press) at Pakistan Consulate in Jeddah, told Saudi Gazette that the ship is returning back to Pakistan after participating in a joint petrol with Turkish Navy in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

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