PTI government takes yet another new initiative, unprecedented in Pakistan

PTI government takes yet another new initiative, unprecedented in Pakistan

*ISLAMABAD - PTI government takes yet another unique initiative for governance in Pakistan.*

*PTI intends to use social media to present a positive image of Pakistan, said Iftikhar Durrani, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Media.*

Sharing the vision of the prime minister, Durrani said that social media platforms should be used to resolve citizens’ problems.

He was addressing a workshop organized by the National IT Board in collaboration with Facebook.

Nasir Naqvi, executive director at NITB, said that governments around the world are using social media to better inform and engage with their citizens.

“From the passing of new legislation and policies to large-scale developments, government must now actively participate in the public conversation which is why embracing this new era of social media discourse is critical,” said Naqvi.