Pakistan-India economic progress is impossible without friendship: Analysts

Pakistan-India economic progress is impossible without friendship: Analysts

Indian government appreciates Pakistan’s goodwill gesture of opening Kartarpur border. There are two halves in Indian politics, one wants peace, while other one indulged in sabotaging bilateral ties for political gains. These elements create hurdles in negotiation process between India and Pakistan.

Unfortunately, Media mostly highlights negative incidents and gives little projection to positive and friendly gestures. Indian Public is very keen to explore the rich culture of Pakistan and Imran Khan also enjoys wide public popularity among common Indians.

There are some elements in BJP who use anti Pakistan card in their election campaigns. Parliamentary election in India is around the corner and this is not a high time for political parties to talk about cordial bilateral ties with Pakistan. People of the two countries have realized that both the countries cannot afford war and peace is the best option.

The groundbreaking of Kartarpur corridor was a long awaiting demand of Sikh community which is now accomplished by Pakistani government..

This is a great initiative taken by the Pakistan to bridge the gaps between Islamabad and New Delhi. Prime Minister Imran khan has established an environment of cooperation and interfaith harmony and Indian government should take benefit of this opportunity.

Pakistan is determined to resolve all regional issues with dialogues and International community has appreciated Pakistan for taking peace initiatives. BJP led government is dominated by Hindu extremist groups and minorities in India are living under continuous security threats. Indian claims of secularization have badly exposed. Indian aggressive attitude towards Pakistan is highly irresponsible and inappropriate.

It is responsibility of international community to put pressure on India to display positive attitude for regional peace and stability.

Hindu extremist groups and racist media are injecting hatred and anti-Pakistan sentiments in Indian public for their nefarious agendas. Political parties in Pakistan never used India card in their election campaigns.

India’s war mongering attitude is a threat to regional peace and stability. India’s strategic policies are based on false perceptions and miscalculations. India must realize that resolving all regional disputes through dialogues is in the best interest of the two countries. Indian Punjab is located on an important geographical location and Sikh’s demands cannot be ignored for too long. Prime Minister Imran Khan is a man of his words and he has taken a very positive step towards regional peace. Indian media is obsessed with anti-Pakistan sentiments.

It is not only a specific section but entire Indian media is propagating negativity against Pakistan. Pakistan has taken a peace building initiative which is once again sabotaged by BJP led government. Islamabad has always facilitated Indian Sikh community to visit their holy places here in Pakistan. India must realize that its war mongering attitude is harming its own image in international community.

It is very disappointing that Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj refused Pakistan’s invitation to attend the ground breaking ceremony of Kartarpur border and lost another opportunity of bridging the gaps between two countries. It is also a negative move of Indian refusal to participate in SAARC upcoming conference in Pakistan. India is committing state terrorism in the region and facilitating terrorists to sabotage peace in Pakistan.