India tops the World in censoring online content, Where does Pakistan stand?

India tops the World in censoring online content, Where does Pakistan stand?

ISLAMABAD - In 2009, Google started recording the number of content removal requests it received from courts and government agencies all over the world, disclosing the figures on a six-month basis.

Soon after, several other companies followed suit, including Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft, and Wikimedia.

Here at Comparitech, we’ve collated all of this data to find out which governments censor online content the most and which channels are targeted by each government.

*Some governments avidly try to control online data, whether this is on social media, blogs, or both.* And surprisingly, China only features in the top 10 for one category. Find out why below.

Below are the top 20 countries based on their overall number of content requests across all channels

1. India – 77,620 2. Russia – 77,162 3. Turkey – 63,585 4. France – 49,971 5. Mexico – 25,036 6. Brazil – 17,346 7. Germany – 13,366 8. Pakistan – 9,771 9. United States – 9,574 10. United Kingdom – 6,402 11. Israel – 5,527 12. South Korea – 4,445 13. China – 4,374 14. Italy – 3,867 15. Austria – 2,928 16. Japan – 2,138 17. Vietnam – 1,964 18. Thailand – 1,901 19. Spain – 1,592 20. Argentina – 1,575

Source: link