Pakistan seeks 2 Lakh barrel oil per day from Saudi Arabia on deferred payment

Pakistan seeks 2 Lakh barrel oil per day from Saudi Arabia on deferred payment

ISLAMABAD – Pakistan and Saudi Arabia held high level dialogues in Islamabad today to strengthen the strategic as well as the economic partnership.

Pakistan has requested Saudi Arabia to provide 2 lakh barrel oil/day on deferred payments for as much as three months.

As per details garnered, the delegations of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia held first round of talks in Islamabad today.

Pakistan also offered Saudi Arabia to invest in LNG-fired power plants and industrial zones under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

The delegations also agreed on increasing the bilateral trade between two brotherly nations. Pakistani delegation also put forwarded issues being faced by Pakistan’s expats in oil-rich kingdom.

In the second rounds of talks, Saudi delegation will hold separate meetings with Federal Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Ghulam Sarwar Khan and Finance Minister Asad Umar.