Billions of rupees being spent on road infrastructure: CM Gilgit-Baltistan

Billions of rupees being spent on road infrastructure: CM Gilgit-Baltistan

Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan Hafiz Hafeez ur Rehman has said that billions of rupees are being spent on expanding road network for boosting business and tourism activity in the region. 

Talking to a news channel, he said a committee has been formed to bring the tax reforms while anti-corruption laws are also being implemented in Gilgit Baltistan.

Chief Minister said about two million tourists have been visiting Gilgit-Baltistan due to peaceful environment restored by the efforts of the PML-N government.

He said the federal government has provided nineteen billion rupees for special projects and development of the area.

He said two power projects of 100 megawatt and 80 megawatt capacity, costing 52 billion rupees will be completed under China- Pakistan Economic Corridor.