Majority of people involved in child abuse in UK are of Pakistani origin, British Minister

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2018-12-27T12:13:30+05:00 News Desk

LONDON - British Home Secretary Sajid Javaid has made startling rather shameful declaration regarding some of the Pakistanis living in UK and involved in heinous crime of child abuse.

Sajid who himself is of Pakistan origin has said on Wednesday that majority of men found involved in child exposition in the United Kingdom are of Pakistani origin.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4 Today, Javid - who has Pakistani heritage - said that ignoring the ethnicity of abusers gives "oxygen" to extremists.

"When it comes to gang-based child exploitation it is self-evident to anyone who cares to look that if you look at all the recent high-profile cases there is a high proportion of men that have Pakistani heritage," the Conservative party representative said.

Grooming gangs have recently been convicted in Huddersfield, Oxford, and Rotherham.

"There could be - I'm not saying that there are - there could be some cultural reasons from the communities that these men came from that could lead to this kind of behaviour," Javid added.

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