Anti-Donald Trump protest erupted in UK to condemn first 100 days

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2017-04-27T20:44:22+05:00 News Desk

LONDON: A total of 100 protesters Thursday demonstrated outside the US embassy in London against perceived rights abuses during President Donald Trump's first 100 days in office.

Protesters stood in silence for half an hour while carrying a torch in one hand and a placard in the other reading "Refugees Welcome" or "No Ban, No Wall" during the event organised by Amnesty International.

"In the space of just 100 days, President Trump has done untold damage to the USA's already less-than-perfect reputation for upholding human rights," said Kate Allen, Amnesty's UK director.

Amnesty has been critical of several measures taken by Trump's government -- which marks 100 days in office this weekend -- including a travel ban targeting certain Muslim-majority countries and plans for a wall along the Mexican border.

The first 100 days in office is "a major mark of what a president intends to do", Amnesty's Kerry Moscogiuri told AFP.

"We think that the Statue of Liberty, were she real like me, would be crying today.".

Amnesty said other protests will take place on Saturday in Scotland and Northern Ireland. (APP)

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