China - Russia vetoed US resolution in UNSC in favor of Israel against Palestinians

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2023-10-26T18:37:08+05:00 News Desk

The deadlock in the UN Security Council regarding the crisis in Gaza and Israel deepened as both China and Russia vetoed a draft resolution sponsored by the United States. Additionally, a separate Russian-backed resolution failed to secure enough votes in favor.

The US-led resolution, which was seen as pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian, did not pass due to negative votes from China and Russia, both permanent Security Council members.

This situation occurred amid increasing global polarization concerning the Israel-Gaza conflict, with the Palestinian death toll reaching nearly 6,000, including over 2,000 children, and 1,400 deaths in Israel. President Joe Biden expressed skepticism about the death toll provided by the Hamas-led Gaza Health Ministry.

In the Security Council vote, ten members supported the draft resolution, three voted against it (China, Russia, and the UAE), and two abstained (Brazil and Mozambique). Russia argued that the resolution lacked language condemning the deaths of Palestinians.

According to UNSC rules, a 'no' vote from any one of the five permanent members of the Council can block action on any proposed measure. The five permanent members of the Security Council are China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

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