Cyber Attack disrupted fuel distribution computer system in the country

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2021-10-26T21:29:27+05:00 News Desk

A cyberattack link in Iran link interrupted petrol distribution at the country's service stations on Tuesday, state television said, citing the Islamic republic's top security body.

"The Supreme National Security Council confirmed that there has been a cyberattack link against the petrol distribution computer system," the television said.

It had earlier reported that the interruption was due to "disruptions to the computer system".

"Details of the attack and its source are under investigation," it added, without giving further details.

State television said the system disruption had blocked petrol pumps across the country.

Networks broadcast images of long lines at shut services stations.

An urgent meeting was being held at Iran link national society for the distribution of petrol products in order to resolve the problem, the body's spokesman Fatemeh Kahi said, quoted by state television.

The conservative Fars news agency linked the breakdown to the upcoming second anniversary of deadly November protests sparked by a hike in petrol prices.-APP/AFP

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