Iran's Rouhani says US 'lying' about talks offer

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Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has said that new US sanctions against senior Iranian officials including top diplomat Mohammad Javad Zarif showed Washington is "Lying" about an offer to negotiate.

In a meeting with ministers broadcast live on TV, Rouhani questioned the logic of blacklisting Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and said it showed that Washington is "Confused."

Rouhani said the White House is mentally disabled and doesn't know what to do.

His comments came after US National Security Advisor John Bolton said Washington had "held the door open to real negotiations" but that "in response, Iran's silence has been deafening".

Meanwhile members of Iranian Parliament dismissed new U.S. Sanctions on Iran, saying that the US approach was inconsistent for asking for new talks and then tabling sanctions against their Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Trump imposed new sanctions on Monday against Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and top military chiefs, further raising the stakes in an escalating regional standoff.

The US treasury said it would also blacklist Iran's Foreign Minister Zarif and eight top commanders from Iran's revolutionary guards.

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