India may buy state of the art advanced ARMATA tanks from Russia

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2019-10-24T02:14:49+05:00 News Desk

MOSCOW - India may buy state of the art advanced ARMATA tanks from Russia, media report has revealed.

Russia's advanced T-14 Armata tank, first unveiled to the public in 2015, is a next-generation combat vehicle that has an unmanned remote-controlled turret, while the crew is protected by an armoured capsule. Its weapons include a 125-mm smooth-bore cannon and a 7.62-mm remote-controlled machine gun.

At least five countries could be interested in procuring Russia's cutting-edge T-14 Armata tank in the future, the National Interest reported link .

According to the magazine, India is one of the nations that is potentially seeking to import the Russian combat vehicles. The author of the article argues that western tanks, such as Leopard 2A7 and M1A2 Abrams are unsuitable for the Indian terrain link, while its domestically-produced Arjun Mk. 2 allegedly suffers from the poor reputation of its predecessor, Sputnik has reported.

Another major global power that could acquire the tanks is China, which, according to the magazine, is likely to import Armatas in order to assess them and retrofit their own military hardware with an aim of creating tanks that could compete with the Russian ones for export.

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