India gets a blow from the Britain over Occupied Kashmir lockdown: Report

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2019-11-23T01:00:32+05:00 News Desk

LONDON - The UK’s Bar Council and Bar Human Rights Committee of England and WALES on Thursday urged the Indian government to allow independent investigative teams to visit Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK).

The letter, addressed to the Indian prime minister, expressed serious concern about the “multiple reports of the detention of over 3,000 civilians” in the disputed valley after Indian decided to abrogate Article 370 in August earlier this year.

The lawyers body called on New Delhi to lift the restrictions imposed and restore all communications in the region. The groups also asked the Indian government to publish the names of all those individuals, including lawyers, who have been detained.

The letter said, “Those who remain detained must be afforded access to proper legal representation.”

The Bar Human Rights Committee Chair Schona Jolly said: “Justice delayed is justice denied. The shockingly slow response of the Indian justice system to these grave and systemic alleged violations of fundamental human rights risks impairing the very essence of the rights themselves.”

The lawyer said that accountability for human rights violations continues to be evaded by the refusal to permit independent human rights monitors.—INP

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