Will Brexit result in UK leaving EU?

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2016-05-23T15:36:49+05:00 News Desk

LONDON, (APP): Will Brexit result in UK leaving EU?


With one month to go until Britain's EU referendum, the Remain campaign is pulling ahead amid warnings over the international consequences of a Brexit and increasingly outlandish claims at home.


The battle for votes ahead of the June 23 referendum has drawn in US President Barack Obama, EU leaders and the IMF, prompted comparisons between  the European Union and Adolf Hitler and sparked a warning about the risk of   World War III.


Prime Minister David Cameron is leading the campaign to "Remain",  backed by leaders such as Obama amid international unease at the prospect of Britain becoming the first EU member ever to leave the bloc.


The International Monetary Fund has warned of a potentially severe  global market reaction to a vote to a "Leave" vote, while G7 finance ministers this weekend warned of the prospect of a Brexit "shock".


The European Commission said the uncertainty is already affecting  growth in the euro zone, while the Bank of England made a similar point regarding the British economy.


Opinion polls suggest that, barring a major upset, "Remain" is on  course to win.


An average of the last six surveys by the What UK Thinks research  project gives the campaign a 10-point lead over the "Leave" camp, on 55 percent, excluding undecided.


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