ISIS new radio station "Voice of the Khalafat" goes on air in Kunar, Nangarhar and Pakistan FATA

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2015-12-23T05:08:09+05:00 News Desk
KABUL: The terrorists are taking to the airwaves with a new show “ Voice of the Caliphate”. The hour-long propaganda message consists mainly of interviews, anti-government sentiments and songs about ISIS. ISIS has launched the station in Afghanistan, where it is making increasing territorial gains, according to reports. Its aim is to compete with the Afghan Taliban to lure fighters into ISIS' ranks. Its move on to radio is further evidence of the legitimate state image it is seeking to portray, with a police force in operation, as well as a taxation system, and ambitious plans for a health service. Haji Ghalib, Achin district governor, told Al Jazeera: "The ISIS militants in Afghanistan are growing stronger and this radio channel is helping them recruit fighters which will make them even stronger. "Their aim is to brainwash people through this radio channel, however, we are trying to track it and shut it down."(Afghanistan News)
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