For the first time, PTI fully prepared to contest elections, says Imran

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ISLAMABAD: PTI chief Imran Khan said that his party was fully prepared for the first time to contest elections. 

Imran was speaking to attendees at an event in Islamabad where Asad Umar unveiled the PTI's 100-day plan if it formed the government.

"Pakistan is being run by the law of the jungle," he said. "The powerful here cannot be held to account and the poor is subjected to injustice."

The PTI chief said that the purpose of unveiling the 100-day plan was to make it public that his party, if it was elected to power, would reverse all policies of the government.

"The shining example we must look towards to when establishing a society is the State of Medina," he said. "Hazrat Umar (RA) said that he would be held to account even if a dog died thirsty under his rule."

Imran said that dogs and animals were treated well in England but unfortunately people were worse off than animals in Pakistan.

He said that it was the need of the hour to bring a system of rewards and punishment in public institutions. He said that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government had brought about reforms in public hospitals and had improved the situation for the better.

He said that overseas Pakistanis were more important than CPEC and that reforms were direly needed to improve the civil service in Pakistan. APP

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