Chief Minister Punjab Usman Buzdar flex muscles

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2018-08-21T23:30:26+05:00 News Desk

LAHORE - Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Ahmad Khan Buzdar Tuesday made it clear that rule of law in the province would be ensured at all costs and no violation in that regard would be tolerated.

Presiding over a meeting here at his office, which reviewed law and order situation and security arrangements for Eidul Azha, he said golden principles of merit, good governance and rule of law would reign supreme and the people would be provided necessary relief by introducing changes in the real sense.

Good reputed and hard working officers would be encouraged and the best performers would be fully supported by him, he added. Those who would fail to perform, he said, would not continue serving in Punjab. The police system would also be reformed according to the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan, he added. The chief minister said the government expenditures would be minimized by introducing austerity and simplicity in the real sense and visible improvement in that regard would be noticed by everyone.

H said he would personally visit every division and district to review the performance of public sector departments at the grassroots level “I will only keep the essential security,” he added and assured that hard working officers would be given respect and honour. Chief Minister Buzdar directed that foolproof arrangements should be ensured to protect the life and property of the people on Eidul Azha. Practical steps should be taken to stop the scourge of one-wheeling and he would provide full support to improve the police system, he added.

He also directed to ensure best arrangements of cleanliness across the province on the occasion of Eid and added that solid waste management companies, provincial administration and other relevant agencies should efficiently work in this regard.

He said that this year’s sanitation arrangements should be better than the previous ones and line departments should perform their duties in a coordinated manner. Strict action would be taken if people faced any difficulty due to presence of animals’ remains around, he warned.

He further said that provision of a neat and clean environment to the people, along with availability of necessary facilities, was the responsibility of the government and line departments. He reiterated that no compromise would be made on cleanliness arrangements and ban on burning sacrificial animals’ heads and trotters in public should be strictly implemented and animals’ waste should be timely disposed of. The chief minister said that he would personally monitor the arrangements made on Eidul Azha for facilitating the people and added that no negligence would be tolerated with regard to cleanliness and disposal of animals’ waste. Action would be taken on public complaints with regard to cleanliness, concluded the chief minister.

Additional Chief Secretary (Home) and IG Police briefed the meeting about different steps taken for the protection of life and property of the people.

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