How the Turkish Parallel state attempted the Coup

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2016-07-20T15:22:24+05:00 News Desk

ISLAMABAD (APP): Turkey's military on Tuesday condemned those involved in Friday's failed coup as having "defamed the Turkish state, its history, and its honorable armed forces".

In a statement released on Tuesday, the Turkish General Staff vowed that anyone involved would be heavily punished.

"Our nation will decide between those [soldiers and officers] who are members of an illegal terrorist organization [FETO] and those who fight against a separatist terror organization [PKK] for the safety of the state," the statement added.

Turkish armed forces said it was at the state and nation's disposal, from its youngest private to its highest-ranking general, within a democratic judicial system.

"Victory belongs to those who believe in the superiority of law, democracy and our nation's high values and targets," the statement added.

"The coup attempt completely suppressed on July 17 at 4.00 pm" Turkish General Staff's statement said.

The statement said the information of the coup attempt was given by the National Security Organization (MIT) on July 15, 2017 at 4.00 pm (GMT 1300).

"The Information was evaluated by Chief of the General Staff Hulusi Akar, Turkish Land Forces Commander Salih Zeki Colak, Deputy Chief of the General Staff Yasar Guler in the headquarters of general staff," it said.

The generals gave essential orders to Turkish Air and Land Forces to take the necessary measures to block the whole coup attempt.

According to the statement, the pro-coup members forced the Chief of the General Staff Akar to sign and read out the coup statement on TV.

"This demand of traitors has been angrily and definitely denied by Chief of the General Staff with libelous words," it said.

The statement said Turkish General Staff has given the necessary response to the members of illegal terrorist organization [FETO].

"Although this coup attempt has been started within the body of Turkish General Staff, the traitors who attempt to do this have nothing to do with the overwhelming majority of Turkish General Staff's members who love their motherland, nation, flag," it said.

The deadly coup attempt occurred late Friday when rogue elements of the Turkish military tried to overthrow the country's democratically elected government.

At least 240 people, including members of the security forces and civilians, were martyred in Istanbul and Ankara and nearly 1,500 others wounded as they protested against the coup.

The government has said the attempted coup was organized by followers of U.S.-based preacher Fetullah Gulen, who is accused of a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through supporters within the Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police and judiciary, forming the parallel state.

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