Trump tells European countries to take back IS fighters

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President Trump has asked the UK and other European allies to take back and put on trial more than 800 Daesh militants captured in the final battle against the group.

President Trump in a tweet said the IS caliphate is about to fall.

His tweet comes as US-backed Kurdish forces continue an assault on the last pocket of IS territory on the Syrian side of the Iraqi border.

The IS fighters are being held by the Kurdish-led forces.

Meanwhile, head of the U.S. Central Command General Joseph Votel, overseeing U.S. forces in the Middle East flew into Iraq today for talks with U.S. and Iraqi officials on ensuring that Islamic State cannot stage a resurgence after troops withdraw from neighboring Syria.

General Votel has already said he does not expect President Donald Trump’s withdrawal of more than 2,000 troops from Syria to significantly alter U.S. troop levels in Iraq, where the United States has more than 5,000 forces.

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