BREAKING: US ,UK failed Russia China supported resolution in favour of Palestinians

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2023-10-17T12:47:43+05:00 News Desk

In a crucial voting session, the UN Security Council faced a significant setback as it failed to adopt a resolution led by Russia. This resolution aimed to establish a humanitarian ceasefire in the war-torn Gaza region, which has witnessed an escalation of conflict over the past ten days. This escalation was characterized by relentless Israeli airstrikes in response to attacks by Hamas on Israeli border towns.

The Russian-drafted resolution received support from five countries, including China, Gabon, Mozambique, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates. However, it fell short of the necessary backing, with four countries - France, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States - voting against it. An additional six countries, namely Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Ghana, Malta, and Switzerland, chose to abstain from voting.

To be adopted within the 15-member Council, a resolution must secure at least nine votes in favor, without opposition or veto from any of the five permanent members. The Russian resolution specifically called for a humanitarian ceasefire, the release of hostages, provision of aid access, and the safe evacuation of civilians.

The primary point of contention centered around the fact that the Russian resolution did not explicitly condemn the attacks by Hamas, which had reportedly resulted in over 1,000 Israeli casualties. In contrast, Gaza reported at least 2,750 Palestinian fatalities and 9,700 wounded due to Israeli retaliatory airstrikes.

Subsequently, the Security Council is expected to address an alternative draft resolution proposed by Brazil. This resolution calls for "humanitarian pauses" and condemns Hamas, as well as all forms of violence and terrorist acts against civilians.

Following the vote, Russia's UN Ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, expressed regret over the failure to adopt the resolution and blamed the "selfish intention of the western bloc." He lamented that this vote demonstrated a division between those supporting humanitarian aid and an end to violence and those opposing it for "selfish and political interests."

US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield justified her country's opposition to the Russian resolution by asserting that it ignored Hamas' acts of terrorism and was dishonoring the victims. She stated, "By failing to condemn Hamas, Russia is giving cover to a terrorist group that brutalizes innocent civilians. It is outrageous, hypocritical, and indefensible."

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