Donald Trump's Pakistan Policy

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2016-12-16T10:50:36+05:00 News Desk

The tricky guy Donald Trump, with his contradictory statements, is perplexing his policy towards Pakistan before he steps into Obama’s shoes. Amid his election campaign, on the one hand, the president-elect vividly stating prevention of Muslims immigrants, he accused enmity of Pakistan with US because of Osama’s hunt down by US navy seal at the nose of Pakistan military Academy. On the other hand, telephonic conversation of Nawaz with Trump brought the pleasure message of “the fantastic land of fantastic people” about Pakistan as well as offering of playing a mediatory role between India and Pakistan to work out the issue of Kashmir was another welcome statement from Trump. So here in question is the policy of trump to Pakistan whether he will pursue rhetoric of his precedent’s policy of making Pakistan doing more against terrorism or will surely play a mediatory role in the time to come to create rapprochement between Pakistan and India over Kashmir?

Historically, there have been ups and downs in the Pak-US ties on account of the diverse geo political environment. However, 1980s was the sole period the both Pakistan and United States had to fight the common enemy USSR. So United States by blinking eye on the nuclear buildup of Pakistan provided economic and military assistance to Pakistan to fight proxy war in Afghanistan. While later 1990s saw the application of Pressler amendment that called for annual accountability of Pakistan’s plan for developing nuclear warheads. Meanwhile after the incident of 9/11 occurred, the both countries came on same platform to fight war on terror. Resultantly,

Musharaf regime was bestowed a huge military and economic assistance by Bush Administration by successfully establishing a trend in US policy of “doing more against terrorism” by Pakistan. Unluckily that was followed by Obama Administration until the present times.

Meanwhile, Keeping in view the current Geo political scenario of the World, almost the paradigm shift from hard power to soft power is becoming the basis of new world order. However, China due to her gigantic economic activities almost in the world via CPEC is going to be the leading part and parcel of new world order, is a matter of great concern for United States. So, will Trumps policy to Pakistan be curtailing the economic influence of China?

As, it is widely known in the International Relations that the states determine their foreign policies while keeping in view national interest. As for as this trend is concerned, the peace process and existence of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan as well as inevitable economic surge of China are the glaring issues for US to be tackled that could possibly define Trumps policy to Pakistan.

As regards the chaotic situation of Afghanistan, Pakistan has always been the frontline ally of US against terrorism. The main reason of Pakistan’s acceptance of status of major ally was its high economic dependency which Pakistan was provided 7.5 billion dollar in 2001 and 20 billion dollar under Obama Administration. As a result of aid established the norm of doing more against terrorism. Moreover, US interest lies in allying Pakistan is that she borders Afghanistan and has nuclear bomb. Besides, America has again and again accused that Pakistan’s nuclear bomb is unsecure that could be stolen by the non-state actors, could pose threat to the whole world. This is what Pakistan has been made to do more against terrorism. To fulfill the chimera of peace in the region, Trump administration would prolong to extend limited economic and military aid to Pakistan which would be conducive to maintain the US leverage on Pakistan to quench its policy objectives.

To discuss further, the Indian factor along with China cannot be denied in determining the Trumps policy towards Pakistan. To me trumps offer to play mediatory role to solve Kashmir issue would remain a chimera. In short solving Kashmir issue means cutting influence of US from South Asia. Furthermore, India having belligerent ties with China is jealousy of CPEC project, so is US. Since the CPEC project being an economic threat to both US and India, would undermine their current position. So both United States and China having common enemy, as was the case with Pakistan and United States against USSR in 80s, would shake hands together to contain economic influence of China. It is here yet to be discussed that in the recent heart of Asia conference on 3-4 December India along with Afghanistan blamed Pakistan for utilizing terrorist organizations as foreign policy tool and providing them safe heavens. This also enhances the concerns of Trump regarding terrorism.

To guess Trump policy towards Pakistan, calling India to be check on Pakistan, US would be part of the Indian blame game against Pakistan. Pakistan being the only beneficiary of CPEC in the region would be engaged in war against terrorism by providing limited assistance so as to create hurdles in the economic activities in the regions. On contrary to this, India’s resemblance with United States in economic, political and strategic fronts would attract Trump to ally with Moodi sarkar so as to contain China and build pressure on Pakistan via blame game to acquire the common objectives.

In few words, the time is ripe for Pakistan to pay heed upon windows of opportunities created through CPEC to boost up its economy so as to get rid of American pressure as well as Pakistan need to focus on the border management security and internal security to make CPEC, the only economic hope, successful.

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