Good news for Pakistanis searching for employment abroad

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2023-10-14T18:37:48+05:00 News Desk

In a significant development aimed at advancing the realization of Saudi Vision 2030, Jawad Sohrab Malik, the Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development (OP&HRD), had a productive meeting with Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) on Saturday in Islamabad.

The meeting's primary focus was to explore the potential of a substantial Pakistani workforce to support the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030. During the meeting, SAPM Malik formally proposed that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia consider employing a significant number of Pakistani workers to contribute to the goals of Saudi Vision 2030, which aims to diversify and strengthen the Saudi economy.

This proposal has the potential to significantly increase the number of Pakistani expatriates in Saudi Arabia, further strengthening the economic ties between the two countries.

Currently, approximately 5 million Pakistanis travel to Saudi Arabia each year, occupying various roles across the country's industries. Jawad Sohrab Malik pointed out that this number could potentially increase, possibly exceeding one million, given the diverse skill sets and labor force that Pakistan can provide.

He emphasized the valuable contributions of Pakistani workers, ranging from skilled professionals to semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, in helping Saudi Arabia meet its diverse workforce needs.

Malik stressed Pakistan's capacity to supply more than one million individuals with a range of skills, aligning with the job opportunities created by Saudi Vision 2030. He also informed the Saudi envoy about the Pakistani government's efforts to build a skilled Labor Force Pool, effectively tapping into the vast potential of the country's youth in areas like digitization, services, and tourism. In response, the Saudi ambassador expressed support for the proposal presented by SAPM Jawad Sohrab Malik.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia recognizes the crucial role that Pakistani workers can play in the successful implementation of Saudi Vision 2030 and the diversification of the Saudi economy.

Malik expressed his gratitude to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman for his unwavering support to Pakistan in various economic, strategic, and bilateral matters, highlighting the dynamic and visionary leadership of the Kingdom. Both sides agreed to further explore the possibilities of creating new employment opportunities for Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia.

A forthcoming meeting, scheduled to be held in Saudi Arabia, will bring together SAPM Malik with the labor minister and other high-ranking officials of the Kingdom.

These discussions aim to solidify the collaboration between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia in enhancing manpower resources for the Saudi Vision 2030, setting the stage for a brighter future for both nations.

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