Pakistan Military silently ending arms reliance upon US: Report

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2018-03-13T21:18:59+05:00 News Desk

LONDON - A report released by SIRPI has said that the Pakistan's arms imports went down by 36 per cent between 2008–12 and 2013–17. The study said, “Pakistan accounted for 2.8 per cent of global arms imports in 2013–17.

Its arms imports from the USA dropped by 76 per cent in 2013–17 compared with 2008–12 depicting that Pakistan is ending its reliance on US weapons systems.

According to Siemon Wezeman, a senior researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme, the tension in recent past with both Pakistan and China have led to the increase in growing demands of weapon, which India does not produce itself.

The study further said that China has increasingly been becoming capable of producing its own weapons, and maintaining itself as a supplier in the region by maintaining good relations with Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar.

The US emerged as the world’s top exporter of weapons accounting for 34 per cent of global arms sales in the last five years, according to the study. Russia accounted for 20 per cent of the export ranking second in the list. The US share of arms sales has gone up from 30 per cent recorded in the 2008-12 period.

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