Afghan Intelligence NDS raid kills atleast 11 civilians in Afghanistan

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2019-08-13T21:44:43+05:00 News Desk

KABUL - Afghan Intelligence National Directorate Of Security raid kills atleast 11 civilians in Afghanistan.

At least 11 people were taken out of their homes and were killed the "01 Unit" of the National Directorate of Security at a night raid in Zurmat district of the northern province of Paktia, tribal elders and residents claimed.

The operation was carried out in Gulal Koh village on Sunday night, August 11.

But the National Directorate of Security (NDS) in a statement said that at least 11 militants including two commanders of the Taliban were killed in a special operation in Zurmat district. This statement is rejected by local residents.

Some residents of the province have come to Kabul for seeking justice.

“It is very clear that the government is guilty in this issue. There is no news of reconstruction in Zurmat, but murder is always,” said Ghulab Khan Baz, a tribe elder.

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