Indian Army false claims in Occupied Kashmir exposed by Pakistan

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2019-09-08T17:46:52+05:00 News Desk

ISLAMABAD - Indian Army false claims in Occupied Kashmir have been exposed by Pakistan as Pakistani authorities exposed the true picture.

India attempted to pass off a false and fabricated story, as during an Indian army presser on September 4 blaming deaths of some Kashmiris in Indian occupied Kashmir on “Pakistani militants.

The Indian NSA has also been trying to justify increasingly frequent reports of Kashmiri casualties by blaming them unsuccessfully on Pakistan. In a farcical attempt to twist truth, Indian army tried to portray two Pakistanis, Mohammad Nazeem and Khalil Ahmed, who had inadvertently crossed the LoC near Hajipir on August 21 as “militants.”, the foreign office said.

“This was despite the fact that the incident was discussed during the weekly military hotline contact between both sides on August 27 when Indian authorities acknowledged that they were inadvertent crossers and informed Pakistan that routine formalities are taking place after which they will be returned.

Such devious tactics reflect Indian desperation and attempts to shift international attention from the humanitarian nightmare in the valley,” it added.

Moreover, the foreign office said, Pakistan has consistently sensitized the international community about the danger of a false flag operation by India to shift attention and apportion blame to Pakistan for its indefensible actions occupied Kashmir.

“Instead of indulging in fabricated stories, India should comply with international obligations and immediately cease its atrocities against innocent Kashmiris, lift the communication blockade and allow international fact-finding missions, including the OHCHR and the OIC IPHRC and international media to visit occupied Kashmir to distinguish facts from fiction,” it added.

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