Fake polls can't resolve Kashmir dispute:Ali Raza Syed

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ISLAMABAD: The Chairman of Kashmir Council EU, Ali Raza Syed has said that fake elections of local bodies under New Delhi’s rule in occupied Kashmir is not a solution of the issue of Kashmir.

Ali Raza Syed In a statement issued in Brussels said the drama of municipal elections in Kashmir under the Indian rules is unacceptable to the Kashmiris. Previous elections in Kashmir also had no result in favour of rights of people of Jammu Kashmir but it continued Indian occupation over the disputed territory, he added.

Appreciating the Kashmiri leadership for boycotting the election starting from today, Ali Raza Syed said, call for boycott and a strike on the days of the elections proved that people of Kashmir don’t want more stay under Indian occupation.

The Kashmir Council EU, Chairman said Kashmiri people are struggling for their right to self-determination but by holding such bogus elections, India wants to show that the occupied Kashmir is also part of its democracy. India just wishes to give an impression of false peace and democracy in Jammu and Kashmir while the fact is that massive human rights violations are being committed by the Indian forces in Kashmir.

Ali Raza Syed further said that freedom struggle will not be stopped by elections under Indian authority, and Kashmiri people will continue their struggle for freedom from Indian rule. India has forcefully held Jammu and Kashmir but people of Kashmir want their right to self-determination at any cost, he added,KMS reported.

The Kashmir Council, EU, Chairman also urged the international community to play its role in preventing human rights violations in Kashmir and help in peaceful settlement of the lingering Kashmir dispute.

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