Af-Pak joint Counter Terrorism efforts to defeat the menace in region

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2016-07-08T16:45:27+05:00 News Desk

ISLAMABAD, July 8 (APP): Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign

Affairs Sartaj Aziz has said that terrorism could only be defeated with unity and cooperation of the international community and stressed upon coordinated global efforts.

He was responding to media questions regarding the forthcoming North

Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Summit in Warsaw, Poland, said a press release of the Foreign Office on Friday.

The Advisor said that the Summit was taking place under the long

shadows of terrorism, turmoil and continuing conflicts worldwide.

Within last week alone, the world witnessed major terrorist attacks in

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, he added.

Sartaj said in Pakistan, operation Zarb-i-Azb in North Waziristan and

concerted operations in other parts of the country against terrorists had been very successful and as a result, dividends started reaching the people of Pakistan.

"We appreciate acknowledgement of our contributions by the

international community. We expect that as we intensify our efforts to facilitate the peace process in Afghanistan, they will also capitalize on the dividends of these counter-terrorism operations to facilitate this process," the press release quoted the PM's Advisor as saying.

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