Britain’s strikes on Syria are illegal and will fuel terrorism in region: President Asad

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2015-12-08T05:42:49+05:00 News Desk
DAMASCUS: The UK's bombing campaign against ISIS fighters in Syria is "illegal" and will only cause the “cancer” of terrorism" to spread, Bashar al-Assad has said in an interview published on Sunday. The Syrian president mocked Britain’s decision to launch air strikes, blaming the West for the rise of the terror group, as well as for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Syrians. “It will be harmful and illegal and it will support terrorism, as happened after the coalition started its operation a year or so [ago] because this is like a cancer,” Assad said. The Syrian leader also dismissed the government’s claim that Britain may one day call upon the military support of some 70,000 moderate rebels as “classical farce”. “This is a new episode in a long series of David Cameron’s classical farce... Where are they? Where are the 70,000 moderates he is talking about? There is no 70,000. There is no 7,000.” “I would say they don’t have the will and don’t have the vision on how to defeat terrorism,” Bashar Al-Assad said. (Telegraph)
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