Pak-Kosovo meeting discuss bilateral ties

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2017-04-08T16:34:32+05:00 toi english

ISLAMABAD (APP): The inaugural session of Pakistan-Kosovo bilateral political consultations was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Kosovo in

Pristina to discuss the entire spectrum of bilateral relations.

Ambassador Zaheer A. Janjua, additional secretary (Europe), led the Pakistan delegation, while the delegation of the Republic of Kosovo was led by Muhamet Brajshori deputy director general of the ministry of foreign affairs of Kosovo.

It was agreed that holding of first round of bilateral consultations between Pakistan and Kosovo was an important milestone that would help further strengthen bilateral cooperation in various areas, including political, economic, commercial, cultural, and educational collaboration between the two countries, said a press release of the ministry of foreign affairs on Saturday.

The two sides also agreed to institutionalize bilateral contacts in various areas of common interest; increase the frequency of the high-level contacts; promote bilateral parliamentary interactions through establishment of parliamentary committees and friendship groups; increase business community interactions to enhance awareness about trade and investment opportunities in the two countries as well as to establish links between the respective higher education institutions and think-tanks.

Views were also exchanged on issues of regional and international importance.

The additional secretary (Europe) also called on Enver Hoxhaj, foreign minister of Kosovo and conveyed the warm sentiments of the Government and the people of Pakistan.

The foreign minister thanked Pakistan for its consistent support to Kosovo and expressed desire to further strengthen bilateral relations.

The additional secretary (Europe) expressed the hope that both sides would continue to explore all avenues for expanding their bilateral cooperation, especially in the area of trade and commerce.

He also briefed the Kosovan foreign minister on the regional security situation, including the atrocities and human rights violations perpetrated by the security forces in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

In the meeting held with the Head of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, Safet Gerxhaliu, the two sides agreed to promote business community interactions to enhance awareness about trade and investment opportunities, including establishment of Pakistan-Kosovo Business Council and signing of cooperation agreements between the Chambers of Commerce of the two countries.

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