How Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh was killed

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2017-12-06T00:00:05+05:00 News Desk

DUBAI - New pictures spreading on Yemeni outlets purport to show the moment Houthi gunmen attacked Saleh’s car, Al Arabiya English has reported.

According to the sources, tribal mediation was able to convince Saleh to leave his home in Sanaa to his hometown in Sinhan district south of the capital. The Houthis reportedly agreed provide Saleh with safety under a tribal agreement.

Sources told Al Arabiya that Saleh left his house in Sanaa with only one car along with his son and two leading members of his General People's Congress party.

A source said Saleh’s car arrived in the area of Sayan, a few kilometers from the village of Beit al-Ahmar in Sanhan, until the entourage were stranded and blocked by seven cars filled with Houthi militants.

"The car that was carrying Saleh could not escape because the seven Houthi cars were completely blocking them," the source said.

Houthi militants reportedly forced the former president and his companions from their car, and were then ordered to fire their guns at Saleh’s stomach and head. Several sources said at least 35 rounds of ammunition was fired.

Saleh met with his confidants and party members on Monday near Sanaa’s 60th Street in the early hours of the morning.According to available information, Houthi militias began bombing Saleh's house in Sanaa with RPG grenades.After Saleh decided to go with his party leaders to his hometown Sinhan, 40 km southeast of Sanaa, the Houthi militias managed to encircle his motorcade. Clashes erupted to break the siege, where several of his bodyguards and leaders of the Congress Party were killed.Saleh and a number of his assistants, including his brother's son, Tarek, who leads Yemen’s Republican Guards, were chased by a military convoy of militias which sources said included at least 20 vehicles.
Ali al-Bukhiti, leader of the Yemen’s People Congress Party said that a sniper shot at Saleh in the head, while other reports said that the Houthis arrested Saleh and a number of his assistants and then killed them at point-blank range.Houthi militias, however, said they killed Saleh by attacking his motorcade with sniper bullets and rocket-propelled grenades.A video published by the Houthis showed a scene similar to the killing of the Libyan Colonel Muammar Qaddafi, where Houthi armed men wrapped Saleh's body in a blanket and showed that Saleh had a bullet on the left side if his head.
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