Pakistan PM Imran Khan warns World of a nuclear war between Pakistan and India over Occupied Kashmir

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2019-08-06T19:41:07+05:00 News Desk

ISLAMABAD - Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that Pakistan will never accept the Indian efforts to annex the state of Kashmir.

Giving a policy statement in the joint session of the parliament in Islamabad on Tuesday, he said the revocation of articles 370 and 35A by Indian government will further intensify the freedom struggle of Kashmiris. He said the Indian step of revocation of Kashmir’s special status contravenes all relevant UN resolutions, India courts’ decisions and the public opinion.

Imran Khan expressed fear that India will now do ethnic cleansing of Kashmiris in order to change the demography of the occupied territory. Imran Khan said the current BJP government in India is a follower of RSS that believes in racist ideology against all the minorities in that country. He said the father of nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had recognized this much earlier and supported the two-nation theory to give the Muslims of India a separate homeland that is free from bigotry and racism. He said even those people in India who did not believe in two-nation theory have realized its importance now.

The Prime Minister warned that if the two nuclear armed neighbors fail to resolve their issues, including Kashmir, a Pulwama like trigger could drag them into a war which would not remain limited to conventional conflict.

Imran Khan said after coming to power he sought to improve relations with all the neighbors, including India, as he had a vision to rid the country of poverty. He said after winning election, he offered India that if it takes one step, Pakistan will respond with two. However, his hand of friendship was not reciprocated by its counterparts in India. He said after the Pulwama attack in Occupied Kashmir, he told India that Pakistan had nothing to do with it as it was a local reaction. But, Indians blamed Pakistan for this incident without any proof and launched a provocative action on 26th February this year against us which was befittingly responded to by our valiant armed forces. He said Pakistan even returned the captured Indian pilot as we believe in humanity and resolving of issues through talks.

The Prime Minister said the attitude of Indian government after elections in their country revealed that they were not serious in holding dialogue and resolving the bilateral issues peacefully.

Prime Minister said during his meeting with the President Trump, he sought his mediation in resolution of Kashmir issue as it has made the people of the region hostage for decades. However, the Modi government took this step to further deteriorate the situation. Even in their domestic politics, BJP government has cornered the opposition parties and tarnished the image of a secular state.

Imran Khan said not only Pakistan, but whole Muslim world understands and recognizes the just struggle of Kashmiris for their self-determination.

The Prime Minister urged the international community to play its due role in resolution of Kashmir issue for regional peace and security as the issue has the potential to harm the world peace efforts. He said this period in history will be remembered as a dark chapter. He said the appeasement of India will not work, as it did not do in 1930s to Hitler.

He said Pakistan will raise the issue at all international forums, including the UN Security Council and General Assembly. He said all heads of states will be approached and apprised of this issue besides sensitizing the international media of human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir.

Addressing the joint session, leader of the opposition in the National Assembly Shahbaz Sharif said Pakistan is for Kashmiris and Kashmiris are for Pakistan. He said Indian Prime Minister’s attempt to occupy the state of Kashmir by revocation of article 35-A has a direct bearing on security and integrity of Pakistan. He said the whole people of Pakistan want to know what response the government will take to counter the situation.

Shahbaz Sharif said Modi government not only usurped the rights of Kashmiris, but also challenges the dignity and honor of Pakistan. This action by India is a slap on the face of UNSC and international community.

He said Pakistan wants to resolve issues peacefully as war is no solution to any problem.

Shahbaz Sharif said Narendra Modi with this step not only negated the mediation offer of President Trump, but also took step to annex Kashmir shrewdly.

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