How much debt did the government take in 1 year? State bank reveals

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2023-10-05T19:27:05+05:00 News Desk

The State Bank of Pakistan has released details of the loans taken by the government in the past year. According to the State Bank of Pakistan, in August 2023, the government borrowed 2.218 trillion rupees, and this loan taken in August is 3.6% higher compared to July of the current year.

Details provided by the State Bank indicate that in one year, the government has borrowed a total of 14.394 trillion rupees, and at the end of August 2023, the government's overall debt stands at 63.966 trillion rupees.

According to the State Bank, the government's domestic debt has increased by 29% in one year, and as of August 2023, the local debt of the government amounts to 39.792 trillion rupees.

The State Bank states that the government's local debt has increased by 23.8% in one year, and as of the end of August 2023, the government's external debt amounts to 24.175 trillion rupees.

According to the State Bank, the government's external debt has increased by 38.8% in one year.

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