Over 900,000 Indian Army failing in post Burhan Wani Occupied Kashmir

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LAHORE: Use of pellet guns against innocent Kashmiris struggling for their internationally accepted right to self-determination have exposed the real face of India, the brutal and barbaric.Hospital sources of 10 districts of Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) reported some 6,200 victims of pellet guns in the year 2016.
Amnesty International (AI), doctors and civil organizations have also highlighted different aspects and impact of the use of pellet  guns, which clearly indicate the worst type of brutalities committed by Indian forces.
Kashmiri leaders and people believe that during the post-Burhan Muzzafar Wani scenario, frustration of Indian forces has increased manifold as their all attempts and operations could not succeed in yielding desired results.
India started the "operation all out" by using its full might, including deployment of around 225,000 soldiers at the Line of Control (LoC) to control so-called infiltration, while around 900,000 army men were already deployed in the occupied Kashmir.
The objective of the operation was to crush the Kashmir freedom movement. Despite martyring 225 Kashmiri youth and injuring thousands, including those who lost their eyesight due to pellets fired by Indian army, the mission has badly failed to achieve objective to cow down Kashmiris, who were continuing their struggle despite all odds.
This operation has rather lifted their spirits, particularly those of the youth, who are on the forefront. The youth are now more enthusiastically braving Indian atrocities, rather crimes against humanity.
Despite experiencing severe brutalities by India occupation forces for around seven decades, the Kashmiris' love for Pakistan has not vanished, rather it has increased manifold and its examples can be witnessed everywhere in Kashmir. The youth are seen wearing uniforms of Pakistani sports  teams and starting matches by singing national anthem of Pakistan. Pakistani flag is unfurled at nook and cranny of the held state time and again, besides its wavering during demonstrations.Moreover, the martyrs are buried wrapped up in Pakistani flag.
All the above-mentioned acts lead to imprisonment, killing and other difficulties by the occupation forces, which, however, do not deter Kashmiris, who are vigorously continuing their struggle for liberation.
Mushaal Hussain Mullick, wife of Hurriat leader Yasin Malik, talking to APP, said: " No power on earth can stop Kashmiris movement, which with every passing day is getting closer to the goal."
Eveyone in held Kashmir, including women, children, old and youth, were rendering sacrifices, even shedding their blood, she said.
She said there were `half widows' in IoK , who did not know as to where their husbands were, whether they were alive or dead. " I myself am facing same situation as my husband has to often face imprisonment. During almost 8 years of marriage, my husband could stay for just 60 days with me, " she added.
Mushaal said there was no concept of civil liberties for Kashmiris in the held state as well as across India. "Our students are insulted, tortured and even martyred by their Hindu class-fellows and no one is there to stop them. Indian law enforcement agencies rather support such type of attitude towards Kashmiri students."
Naheed Nasreen, a senior Kashmiri leader in a telephonic conversation with APP from Indian occupied Kashmir, said the Kashmiri women were the worst victims of Indian brutalities. They were left behind to mourn the death of their husbands, brothers and sons, she added.
She said observing February 5 as the Kashmir Solidarity Day was a positive activity to highlight Indian occupation of the state. Such activities were needed round the year to realize the world of its responsibilities towards Kashmir, she added.
Mohtarma Assia Andrabi, in an audio message on the Kashmir Solidarity Day, urged the United Nations and other world organizations to play their due role for resolving the Kashmir issue.
She said the people of Pakistan and Kashmir loved one another from the core of their hearts and observing the Kashmir Solidarity Day was one of the tokens of that love.

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